
Biden administration will take action against Chinese companies – “We know who is responsible for poisoning the American people with fentanyl” 

Published October 4, 2023 | By

Biden administration will take action against Chinese companies - We know who is responsible for poisoning the American people with fentanyl NewsJive
Fetanyl drug addicts on Kensington Avenue, Philadelphia (Youtube)

The Biden administration blames Chinese companies and people for being the brains behind the fentanyl spreading in America with the mission to poison and weakening America.

The US government announced on Tuesday that they will take action these Chinese entities that are said to be behind the trafficking of the deadly drug fentanyl, by sanctions on dozens of targets.

“We are here today to deliver a message on behalf of the United States government. We know who is responsible for poisoning the American people with fentanyl,” said U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and went on by claiming, “We know that this global fentanyl supply chain, which ends with the deaths of Americans, often starts with chemical companies in China.”

The U.S. Treasury Department said in a statement that it has imposed sanctions on several people and entities involved with the international proliferation of illegal drugs, including a large China-based network.

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